Thought-provoking conference in the Kunsthalle FutureHall – Architecture in the era of 3D printing, Kunsthalle, Budapest, 25 May 2019 Text: Mária Tatai „Architecture in the era of 3D printing” has been chosen as the subtitle of the conference held in the Budapest Kunsthalle on May 25th, 2019 within the framework of the 2nd National Salon […]
Common Irregularities
Creative week at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Technology, Debrecen Text: Gergely Hory, Zoltán Major, Péter Müllner (Prtzn Architecture) Photos: Zsófia Roszkos, Prtzn Architecture Being supervisors of the topic, we were invited to the creative week organised by the Faculty of Architecture, University of Technology, Debrecen. The theme was associated with the exhibition titled […]
Materialism and Idealism
The Contemporary Hungarian Heritage Preservation Summer University on Monument Protection, Eger, 2019 Text: Gábor Nagy The chief topic of this year’s course of the Heritage Preservation Summer University in Eger was Potentials and methods to restore values hidden in historic monuments. In his plenary lecture opening the programme Gábor Nagy architect, specialist of heritage preservation […]
A Competitive Alternative
Solar Decathlon 2019, Szentendre Text: Krisztián Dudics Photos: Képkocka / Gergely Potyondi, Solar Decathlon In 2002 a contest for universities and the construction industry was launched on the initiative of the government titled Solar Decathlon to encourage designs and the construction of modern exemplary residential buildings that offer innovative, energy-efficient, environmentally sustainable alternatives based on […]
MÉSZ Conference 2019
Association of Hungarian Architects, Károly Kós Auditorium 27 May 2019 The Association of Hungarian Architects (MÉSZ) held its annual conference in the Architects’ House. Members of the board – János Golda, Gábor Zoboki and Csaba Nagy – gave an account of the activities of the Association in the past year. László Mikó presented a summary […]
Ten years of FUGA
Anniversary Festival, July-September 2019 FUGA Budapest Architecture Centre celebrates the 10th anniversary of its inauguration on October 1st, 2019. with aan appropriate series of large-scale events to commemorate the significant date. The introductory programme starts mid-summer with an exhibition of architectural designs and models housed in every room of the house. The exhibition opens on […]
Egész és a rész
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Kongresszusi körkép
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V4 Architectural Association
Meeting of the Visegrád Four Countries Architects’ Associations House of Architects, Budapest, 11 March 2019 Text: Eszter Götz Photo: Edit Pálinkás A new form of cooperation was formed on the initiative of the Association of Hungarian Architects (MÉSZ) by the partner organisations of the Visegrád Four countries. On March 11th, MÉSZ organised a prestigious international […]
Apocalypse Later
11th Budapest Architectural Films Days Toldi mozi, 7-10 March 2019 Text: Eszter Götz Organised by the Contemporary Architecture Centre, the Budapest Architectural Films Days have now convinced the ever growing audience for the 11th time that anyone has at least as much to do with architecture as professionals specialised in it. Construction, demolition, break-up and […]
Where Should the Chinese Stand?
International Architects’ Conference, Budapest, March 8th, 2019 „Oriental people in the West, western people in the East”, this is the slogan of this year’s International Architects’ Conference, which defines already in its title the fact that despite the globalization of architectural practices, there still exist these two categories on the level of traditional concepts and […]
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