The Exhibition of Moholy-Nagy Scholarship

Young designers starting their careers are supported by the Moholy-Nagy scholarship founded in 1988 to mature the most recent ideas of Hungarian design. It has been a tradition for years now that those granted this scholarship present their works at an exhibition in the Museum of Applied Arts. Some of the most exciting materials on display…

Art and Science

Designed as a symbolic gesture of welcome to guests from across the globe, the lotus-inspired ArtScience Museum at Marina Bay Sands is the premier museum destination in Singapore for major international touring exhibitions from the most renowned collections in the world. Embracing a spectrum of influences from art & science, to media & technology…

Interior Design Exhibition

„Az emberi környezet tudatos formálója a belsőépítész” – állítja a FUGA, azaz a Budapesti Építészeti Központ manifesztumként/segélykiáltásként értékelhető kiállítási vezetője. A vezető első oldala nem áll meg az egymondatos megfogalmazásnál, hanem precíz meghatározást ad a belsőépítészet fogalmáról, illetve szinte munkaköri leírásként pontosítja…

Two Exhibitions in Mai Manó House

Gábor Kasza: Y
András Balla: Illatos kert

Hungarian House of Photography – Mai Manó House
01. 21. – 03. 20. 2011

Best Highrises 2010

On November 5, 2010 the international Highrise award was bestowed for the fourth time by the City of Frankfurt/Main in collaboration with DAM and DekaBank. This time “The Met”, a high-rise apartment building in Bangkok, Thailand, has won the prize, worth EUR 50,000, for the world’s most innovative high-rise. Extremely efficient both ecologically and in economic…

Gyula Ernyey: From Mucha to Rubik

A szerény cím mögött alapmű rejtőzik: Ernyey Gyula a térség designtörténetével együtt megírta a 20. század rendszerváltásainak históriáját is. A Monarchiával együtt virágzó, majd abból kiváló közép-európai országok, a Baltikum, a délszláv térség és Románia kulturális hullámhegyeiről és -völgyeiről nem csupán rendkívül alapos, széles körültekintéssel…


Established in 2006, the annual Skyscraper Competition recognizes outstanding ideas that redefine skyscraper design through the use of new technologies, materials, programs, aesthetics, and spatial organizations, along with studies on globalization, flexibility, adaptability, and the digital revolution. This is also an investigation on the public and private space…

Zero CO2 Sustainable Architecture Conference 2011

Zero CO2 Sustainable Architecture conference held on 4th March was organized by UIA (the International Union of Architects) in Budapest. Examples came true were presented.Projects presented among others: Unilever House, Hamburg; Power Tower, Linz; Green Home Offices, Budapest (LEED Platinum Pre-certified).


SketchChair started as a collaboration between Greg Saul and the JST ERATO Igarashi Design UI Project in Tokyo. The initial iteration of the system found overwhelming interest from both the academic community as well as the general public, and was presented at several conferences and design events. The SketchChair software allows anybody to take part in the process…

Masters of European Secession

Through the travelling photo exhibition “Masters of European Secession – Barcelona – Brussels – Budapest”, the secession goes around the three B-cities, from January. In each city, 50 large, weather-resistant panels will be displayed on a special ‘venue’: on the fence of a building of some special importance.

Richard Neutra in Europe 1960–1970

Through his houses in southern California Richard Neutra became one of the most important architects of “classical Modernism”. He combined variable spatial configurations with large glass fronts to create open ensembles, embedded in the surroundings. In his final creative years Neutra also completed a number of fascinating buildings in Europe.

European Architectural Politics Forum

Európai Építészetpolitikai Fórum
Európa – Duna – Víz • Innováció és fenntarthatóság
Budapesti Nemzetközi Konferencia
2011. május 4-7.
Újvárosháza Díszterem, Budapest V. Váci utca 62-64. II. emelet