Egész éves programsorozat mutatja be a kortárs osztrák és magyar építészet közös törekvéseit. A projekt kiindulópontja egy pályázat olyan építészek számára, akik mindkét ország építészetében otthonosak. Az ennek nyomán létrejövő kiállítást Bécsben, Grazban, Innsbruckban, valamint Budapesten, Pécsen, Győrben és Debrecenben is bemutatják.
Ákos Cigány: Skies
Ákos Czigány: Skies
L’institut Francais de Budapest
14. 01. – 18. 02. 2011.
Budapest, Fő u. 17.
Old-New Budapest Conception
Az ÉMKE Kévés György és munkatársai által jó évtizede rendszeresen szervez szakmai eseményeket és kiállításokat. Az új városvezetés felállásához időzítve, jó pillanatban vetették fel azt a mérlegelni érdemes koncepciót, amelynek lényegi gondolata az, hogy ha a jelenlegi „Nagy-Budapest” működése nem finanszírozható…
Dezső Szabó
Vintage Gallery
01. 02 – 04. 03. 2011.
Opening on 1 February 2011, 6-8pm
On view till 4 March 2011, Tuesday to Friday, 2-6pm
Tránsito Privado
Tránsito Privado
Exhibition of Ágnes Bihari
A38 Gallery
18. 01. – 19. 02. 2010
Interior Architecture Conference
Exhibition and conference
FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture
Budapest, V. Petőfi Sándor u.5.
Vernissage: 27. 01. 2011. 18:00
Conference: 16-17. 02. 2011.
Power Estimation
This exhibition is meant to represent and document the architecture of a transitionary period which is difficult to define. More than 200 works are on display here to represent the architectural achievements of Baranya, Tolna and Somogy counties respectively. To focus on, trustees of the exhibition, Mihály Balázs, János Gerle and Krisztina Somogyi selected 30 buildings…
Béla Lajta
Organized in the Municipal Archives of Budapest, this exhibition is primarily meant to attract attention. Prepared after a comprehensive project of data collection, it is the first one in its kind to represent the oeuvre of great importance and significance. Based on a large number of original documents, it is the most extensive one regarding both the designer’s activities…
Lucien Hervé 100
Within a short period three excellent photographers „returned home“ thanks to exhibitions of high standards. Although in the case of Munkácsi it is impossible, works by Capa and Hervé exhibited now shall remain here: the former is to enrich the collection of the Hungarian National Museum, whilst the latter is to be treasured in the Museum of Fine Arts.
In memoriam Miklós Hofer
In memoriam Miklós Hofer DLA
Ybl Award, Award for Excellence in Architecture, Széchenyi Award, Pro Urbe Budapest Award, professor at the TU Graz, TU Wien, AA School of Architecture – London and the University of Horticultural Science, former dean of BME Faculty of Architecture, professor emeritus
In memoriam Péter Heckenast
In memoriam Heckenast Péter
(1926 – 2011)
Architect and urbanist
Ybl Award
Landscape Odyssey
A Landscape Odyssey
After an exhibition and a conference the catalogue of the most significant projects of hungarian landscape architecture also issued.