3 October 2016 The International Union of Architects (UIA), representing the world’s 1.3 million architects, announces the theme of World Architecture Day 2016 (Monday, 3 October 2016): “Design a Better World.” As the range of global challenges grows and intensifies, the role of architecture, planning and design are becoming ever more critical to ensuring a […]
The new chairman of MÉSZ
András Krizsán DLA The Association of Hungarian Architects (Magyar Építőművészek Szövetsége, MÉSZ) elected András Krizsán as its new chairman at the general assembly of the organisation on June 6th, 2016. The new vice chairmen to support his activities are György Kerekes, János Golda and Gábor Zoboki, whilst new members of the management are Csaba Kovács, […]
15th Venice Biennale of Architecture II.
The International Participation Text: György Szegő Photos: Hanna Szegő In our previous issue (2015/3) we have already presented the Hungarian exhibition at the recently opened –Venice Biennale. As we wrote there and then, the national pavilions do not follow the central slogan or they focus on it in an indirect way, which is yet another […]
Light Axis
On the Life, Death and Art of György Csete (1937–2016) Text: Miklós Sulyok Fotó: Zsitva Tibor György Csete had a basic principle on architecture which is best summed up as architecture in Hungarian. To use Hungarian language in architecture instead of foreign ones. His architecture, however, was filled with universal contents: however, it was his […]
Henszlmann Imre Prize 2015
Salutation to Hap Galéria and Barnabás Winkler The Hungarian Association of Archeology and Art History launched the award named after Imre Heinszlmann in 1989 to recognize achievements of individuals and institutions supporting the case of archeology, art history, applied arts and the protection of historic monuments and buildings in Hungary. At the end of 2015 […]
Translocation – Transformation
Ai Weiwei exhibition, 21er Haus, Vienna, 14 July – 20 November 2016 Photos: Andrea Fábián “Everything is art. Everything is politics”, says Ai Weiwei (born in 1957), one of the world’s most famous contemporary artists. As a conceptual artist, documentarian and activist, his works deal not only critically with the history, culture and politics of […]
Frederick Kiesler: Life Visions
MAK, Vienna, 14 July – 2 October 2016 The current interest in the multifaceted oeuvre of the Austrian- American architect, artist, designer, set designer, and theoretician Frederick Kiesler applies most of all to his holistic philosophy—the negation of the traditional boundaries drawn between disciplines—and the importance he ascribed to the productivefusion of artistic and empirical […]
Architecture of Roman Catholic Churches in Vojvodina
Dubravka Đukanović: Architecture of Roman Catholic Churches in Vojvodina from 1699 to 1939 The Provincial Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Petrovaradin Novi Sad, 2015 The monograph „Architecture of Roman Catholic Churches in Vojvodina from 1699 to 1939“ is a bilingual publication which presents the results of many years of research focused on the […]
Ázbej & Ázbej
Kunsthalle, Budapest, 26 July – 11 September 2016 Interlinking generations, the co-operation of fathers and their children in the arts and disciplines make for inexhaustible, exciting and enlightening stories. An exhibition of father and son is proof positive that renewal need not begin by sweeping away the past, but often quite the contrary. The concept […]
Builds ~ makes, does, constructs, creates, develops. However we try to describe it, the point is: building is an activity, strongly connected creating. We build and construct, not only with our hands, but with words. One way or another, we create something every day. But what do we build for others, with a socially engaged […]
Gábor Ébli: Museumania
European models for generating cultural experience L’Harmattan, 2016, 259 page The museum is power. Although it is a rather young cultural institution, especially compared to the theatre, which was already important in the antiquity, it has gained much significance during its 250 years of establishment. It functions as an academic institution, plays an important role […]
V4 Famliy Houses 2016 – Call for application
Several dozen of projects from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary are shown at the V4 Family Houses exhibiton in 2016 organized in Hungary by the Association of Hungarian Architects. Deadline for application: 10 October 2016 More information and registration: meszorg.hu Several dozen of projects from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary are shown at […]