Oelschläger / Lajos Őry

Architect Ľudovít Oelschläger (1896–1984), a native of Košice, studied architecture in Budapest. After graduation he gained practical experience at architectural offices in Berlin, Munich and Stuttgart. In 1924 he returned to Košice. Apart from his native town, his works can also be seen in other towns in Slovakia and Sub-Carpathian Ruthenia.

Digital Learning Materials

As part of the TÁMOP-4.1.2.A/1-11/1-2011-0055 project the Department of Residential Buildings of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics will publish new digital learning materials on their website – digitalistananyagok.tumblr.com – in January 2014 in the following topics: Dwelling houses, Family houses…

Pro Architectura Award, 2013

The Pro Architectura prize is awarded as a prestigious official recognition by the ministry for outstanding architectural achievements of architects and designers. This year’s Pro Architectura prizes are ceremoniously handed over by dr. Sándor Pintér, Minister of Interior in the marble hall of the Ministry. In 2013 those buildings are awarded that have given…


One of the world’s most important design museums, the Triennale Design Museum in Milan is presenting part of its huge collection in Hungary. The Maestri exhibition showcases selected items of the Museum’s permanent collection at the breathtaking interior of Museum of Applied Arts. By trying to summarize the ouvre of 21 legendary Italian designers…

A Székkirály

József Vadas:
Pályakép Király József belsőépítészről

Budapest, Scolar Kiadó, 2013

Opus Tessellatum

Salvete! Opus tessellatum
Work Fragments

Exhibition of Péter Török landscape designer
St Stephen’s Basilica, 12 September – 11 October 2013

Adaptive City no.1

Rethinking Spaces of Retail: Skála Metró at Nyugati Square
14 – 17. November 2013.

Venue: 1053 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos utca 14-16.
Guest: Failed Architecture (Amsterdam)

Exhibition of András Krizsán

Exhibition of András Krizsán architect
Budapest Univesity of Technology and Economics
19 November – 3 December 2013
Opening: 19 November 2013, 2 p.m.
Opening speech by Balázs Balogh DLA

Conference on the Protection of Monuments

Opening conference of the ‘Heritage for the Future – Future for the Heritage’ Program organized by the ICOMOS Hungary, the HAP Office, the Artifex Publisher and the NKA.
14 November 2013
Conference venue: Podmaniczky Centre (1173 Budapest, Pesti út 115.)

Architecture – Hudec – Shanghai

Buildings by László Hudec Then and Now
Barabás Villa Gallery, Budapest, 12-30 November 2013
Opening: 12 November 2013, 6 p.m.
Opening speech by Katalin Marótzy PhD, architectural historian
Curator: Virág Csejdy

Exhibition of Zsolt Bajnay

Exhibition of Zsolt Bajnay architect
HAP Gallery, Budapest, 05. 11 – 13. 12. 2013

During the exhibition opening took place the prize-giving ceremony of Péter Molnár Prize. The Prize went to Tamás Lévai architect.

Millenáris Velodrom – competition

The “National Sport Centres” invites applications for a world-class design of a new Velodrome for the National Olympic Centre.

Deadline for the application: 16 December 2013
More information: www.mnsk.hu