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Museum Quarter Renovation Project, Sopron Architect: Dávid Józsa Text: Tamás Kiss Photos: Richárd Tóth After several years of planning and construction work, visitors to Sopron can finally take possession of the Museum Quarter on Main Square. All the buildings of the institution are in themselves testimonies to centuries of architectural heritage, with valuable architectural layers […]
Examining Spatial Relations in Longitudinal Catholic Churches between the World Wars Text: Tamás Kiss The struggle between conservative and modernist architectural trends in the first half of the 20th century was mainly manifested in the stylistic appearance, i.e. the continuity of the “neo” (Revivalist) styles at the turn of the century. However, the preferred architectural […]
Photo Exhibition by Péter Gyukics, FUGA, 14.09- 01.10. Text: István Schneller Photos: Péter Gyukics The primary task of architecture in general — as the Finnish architect Juhani Pallasmaa, among others, phrased it — is to create an experience of place and space, of „placelikeness” in a homogeneous world without place or meaning, in a world […]
The 13th-century rotunda of Süvete in Gömör Text: Mária Prokopp Photos: Andrea Németh Süvete (Šivetice, SLO), the 12th-14th-century seat of the Zách clan, is a prominent hilltop site in the picturesque Gömör region, along the river Murány. The fortified manor house must have stood near the magnificent 12th-13th-century rotunda, which still stands today, covered with […]
The European Saint Michael’s Line Text: László Kripkó The St Michael’s Line is a pictorial skyline that connects seven St Michael’s churches along a straight line of about 4200 km from Ireland to the Holy Land, following the line of the summer solstice sunset. According to tradition, the line marks the cut where the earth, […]
MÉSZ-MÉK Diploma Award 2023 Concept and text: Dóra Tihanyi, BME Consultant: Péter Kronavetter DLA The Pauline monastery of Kőkút („Stone Well”) in Salföld is one of the oldest monuments of the order, with a history dating back to the 1260s. The scheme proposes to enhance the significance of the site and to develop its uses. […]
MÉK-MÉSZ Diploma Award 2023 Text and concept: Mátyás Weisz Consultant: Balázs Falvai DLA Theatre education, drama pedagogy as a form of education and training combines traditional education with the theatre, and thus makes learning more colourful for children. Drama education training takes place mostly on-site in schools. The plan will provide a home for theatre […]
Strategies for the new challenges of a new century Text: Bálint Botzheim In our current thematic issue, we present different strategies for how the architect can be mindful of the effects on the environment. The first of the presented strategies is recycling. Why build a new one, if the existing building can be adapted to […]
Diploma Thesis Concept and text: Marcell Szuhanyik As we enter the 21st century, retreats are not just religiously motivated and led. Through a variety of systems of thought, as part of physical and spiritual exercises, and also as a contrast to our everyday life, time spent alone or in a group with the same purpose […]
Developing the centre of a settlement, Gyermely Architects: Péter Gereben, Balázs Marián Text: Szilvia Molnár Photos: Balázs Danyi Having in-depth knowledge of the structure of the village Gyermely, the team named Gereben Marián Architects managed by Balázs Marián DLA and Péter Gereben found themselves a challenge here at the end of the 2000s. As a […]
Facelifted Benedictine Convent House, Kőszeg Architect: Robert Gutowski Text: Dr. Ferenc Miszlivetz Photos: Tibor Ohr An eventful year started in 2014 when ISES Foundation was commissioned by the Prime Minister’s office to work out a study on viability with the aim to save the architectural heritage of Kőszeg almost on the brink of complete deterioration […]
Intimacy, creativity, flow Text: Tamás Fejérdy, Ferenc Miszlivetz, Laura Takács Architectural spaces do not tend to be utility calculations in the case of historic towns, as they are born based on human needs, well-established and fixed habits, the respect of old times, the gripping effect of the view, that is natural, cultural and aesthetic codes. […]
Volcanoes Park, Zalahaláp Sculptors: Rhea Marmentini, Zoltán Balanyi Text: Balázs Szász Photos: Rhea Marmentini, Zoltán Balanyi Born in a family of doctors and artists, Chilean-Hungarian sculptor Rhea Marmentini started to realize one of her long-time dream at the meeting point of Mediterranean and continental climates: to reconstruct a wound on the landscape of Haláp Hill, […]