From Reserving a Place to Possessing Space
Catholic Parish, Üröm
Architects: Balázs Falvai, Dávid Török, Márton Nagy
Text: János Golda
Photos: Tamás Szentirmai
Architects from DMB Műterem, namely Balázs Falvai, Dávid Török and Márton Nagy had the chance to build the new parish building and community building on a narrow strip of a vacant lot in Church Square which is surrounded by shabby stone walls. The main square of the village with its character and community functions making up a pulsating programme which is difficult to identify brought about conflicts concerning forms during the design stage. Eventually, behind a partly plastered masonry wall resembling barns for storing maize with its grid design scene the story of a hidden, broken-line closed-open barn solved the complex fabric of signs and meanings here. Within the addition of various architectural components, but over the ceremoniousness of a densely developed provincial town, here in the main square of single-storey developments. The sophisticated attention of the designers of the parish focussed on the harmony of randomness and the durability of the ability to adjust instead of searching for perfection and commercial beauty with a limited warranty, and yet it seems to have moved on during the design stage towards a more radical clash of interests and the spontaneity of physical presence. There the question of beauty of uglyness is more like an
General design: dmb műterem Kft.
 Balázs Falvai, Márton Nagy, Dávid Török
Consultant: Mihály Balázs
Structure: Roland Ambrus
HVAC: Benedek Végh
Electrical engineering: Márton Méhész
Client: Üröm, Szent György vértanú plébánia