Water as Microscope of Nature

Leonardo da Vinci’s Codex Leicester Uffizi Galleries, Florence, 30 October 2018 – 20 January 2019 The Codex Leicester is a world-famous manuscript, that contains ground-breaking thoughts and notes by Leonardo da Vinci, one of the most genius artists and scientists in the history of mankind. Now this precious and unique collection of writings and drawings […]

12 fal

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Children of the Wood

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Nagyváros brand

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World Architecture Day 2018

Architects’ House, October 1st, 2018 Text: Eszter Götz The UIA, which is the international association of architects, celebrates the Architecture World Day on the first Monday of October every year. On this day, architects and other professionals do their best to draw attention to the social role of architecture. The Association of Hungarian Architecture organised […]

Hungary’s Gems – Our Man-Made Heritage

Photo Exhibition by the Association of Hungarian Architects Várkert Bazaar, August 28th-September 9th, 2018 Text: Association of Hungarian Architects At the end of August, the Association of Hungarian Architects organised an exhibition of photos recording recently facelifted historic monuments and the economization on our man-made values in the events hall of Castle Gardens Bazaar. This […]

Robert Venturi 1925–2018

Text: György SzegÅ‘ Born as a child of immigrating parents from Italy, he got his degree in architecture and thus received a two-year grant in Rome in 1954. Enriched with experiences there, he returned to his country, and in the 1960s launched an attack against the American version of Modernism which he rated as exhausted. […]

Lajos Kozma Conference

Műcsarnok, 8-9 October 2018 Text: Pál Száva Photos: Magyar Építészeti Múzeum The conference associated with the exhibition titled Kozma Classic – The Budapesti Workshop and Lajos Kozma focussed on the rich and versatile oeuvre of the architect. The lectures presented his career starting with the years he had spent with Béla Lajta’s studio to his […]

The Budapest Workshop and Lajos Kozma

Műcsarnok, Budapest, 5 September – 2 December 2018 Text: György SzegÅ‘ Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky It has been 70 years since the world famous architect, applied artist, graphic designer and educator Lajos Kozma passed away. To honour this exceptional creator, as a part of the Kozma Commemorative Year in 2018, Kunsthalle is launching a major series […]

The Wise

The Reconstruction of the City Hall in Buda, Budapest Architect: Levente Szabó Text: Tamás Dévényi Photos: Balázs Danyi After architectural changes launched in the past few years, the Castle District of Buda started the reconstruction of the old City Hall which is a genuine curiosity: it has preserved its conditions in the wake of the […]

A Bravado of Heritage Protection

The facelifting of the Synagogue in Szeged Architects: Péter Wagner, Tamás KÅ‘nig Text: György SzegÅ‘ Photos: Balázs Danyi There was no Crystal Night in Hungary, which means that more than 40 synagogues and ceremonial buildings designed and built by Lipót Baumhorn (1860–1932) could survive in Central Europe. The synagogues built in his age which was […]