Reconstruction of the Lower Castle and the Development of the Upper Castle Architects: György Skardelli, Bálint Kelemen (Lower Castle), György Radványi (Outdoor stairs), Mihály Rudolf, Katalin Molnár, Zoltán Lipták (Upper Castle) Interior architecture: Dr. Zsófia Lukács Curator: Gábor Várkonyi Text: György Szegő Photos: Tibor Zsitva, Andrea Fábián The reconstruction project of the castle in Füzér […]
Past to be Continued
Reconstruction of the Mediaeval Castle in Szászvár Architect: János Albert Text: Miklós Okrutay Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky The memories of the mediaeval castle of Szászvár, a town situated in the north-eastern part of Baranya county, had been almost completely forgotten throughout the centuries following the longish eras of the Turkish in the history of Hungary. Its […]
Retaking Dignity
The Reconstruction of the Main Building of the Archbishop’s Palace, Eger Architect: László Földes Text: Anna Losonczy Photos: Róbert Nemes The Archbishop’s Palace has stood abandoned in the Baroque-style centre of Eger for such a long time that people have almost completely forgotten about it. The main gate to the grand courtile has been opened […]
Hidden Beauty
Pest-Buda Hotel, Budapest Architect: Bernadett Hild Csorba Text: Eszter Götz Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky The oldest hotel building of the country housing today’s Pest-Buda Hotel is found in the neighborhood of the historical quarter of the Castle of Buda, which is a protected site. In 1696 the very first inn combined guesthouse was opened here, only […]
Living Simplicity
Exhibitions and Events House, Villány Architect: Tamás Getto Text: Gergő Radev Photos: Greypixel The two-storey events building designed by Tamás Getto and his fellow architects is actually a follow-up of the 19th-century cellar system possessed by the Kovács family: it is a purposeful development and transformation of a wine-press. The client and designer architect have […]
Lookout pavilion, Surrey, England Architect: Giles Miller Text: Eszter Götz Photos: Richard Chivers ‘Perspectives’ is an organic pavilion structure covered with Cedar Shingles, which sits atop the beautiful Surrey Hills at Winterfold, and throws itself evocatively into the vista that has been opened up below. The project aimed to create places of quiet and restful […]
Sign in the Cornfield
Time Box Pavilions, Călugăreni, Romania Architect: Gergely Sági Consultant: Zsolt Vasáros Text: Edit Pálinkás Photos: Gergely Sági, Zsolt Vasáros Between 2013 and 2015 the Department of Industrial and Agricultural Building Design (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) provided its students with an opportunity to take part in an international cooperative ERASMUS IP project in Transylvania. […]
Interplay between timelines
Cultural Palace, Blaj Architect: Vlad Sebastian Rusu Text: Edit Pálinkás Photos: Cosmin Dragomir The Cultural Palace was designed in the year 1930 by the Bucharest architect Victor Smigelschi. In the winter of 1995 a violent fire burnt down most of the building, severely damaging the roof and the interior space of the main hall. It […]
A Magic Box
Fairy Tale Kindergarten, Budapest, Angyalföld Architect: Csaba Nagy Text: Miklós Okrutay Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky When making calculations for the extensions required by the kindergarten in Angyalföld (a district of Budapest) a decision was made to have a new building built, most probably after a longish dispute. As a result, however, the principle of configuration which […]
Finding an Equilibrium
University Clinic Centre, Oncotherapy Institute, Pécs Architect: Tamás Varga Text: Zoltán Schrammel Photos: Antal Szentendrei The building housing the oncotherapy institute occupies its space in a characteristic way: one cannot miss it after taking the winding road up the hill in an environment so versatile architecture-wise. It was a bravado to make advantage of the […]
Respect for Traditions, Awareness and High-Standards
Reconstruction Project of Rákóczi-Aspremont Mansion in Mád Architect: Gábor Erhardt Text: Ágnes Kovács Photos: Károly Zsolt Nagy This prestigious building stands along the main street of Mád. It is an extension of a previous single-storey manor house built in the 16-17th century by Julianna Rákóczi and her husband, Count Aspremont Ferdinand Gobert as they wished […]
Odyssey in Paks
Modernization and Extension of the Town Museum Architects: Tamás Karácsony, András Boór, Orsolya Kern Text: Béla Kerékgyártó Photos: András Boór, Tibor Gerzsenyi, Gábor Kapolka, Tamás Karácsony Since the early 2000s, the design stage and implementation of the modernization and extension project of the Town Museum in Paks has been going on amongst changing conditions and […]