János Hild Prize 2015

21st National Conference of Urbanism, May 24th, 2015 Text and photos: MUT Year by year since 1968, the Hungarian Association of Urbanism has handed over the individual award named after János Hild, who had been the designer of the very first development plan of Budapest. As a rule, this recognition goes to professionals with excellent […]

Open-mindedness and Experimentation

The Month of Landscape Architecture, 2015 Text: Ágnes Bechtold Photos: Attila Glázer April is a month devoted to landscape design and architecture. This year the rich variety of programmes on offer associated with it continued even in May, including three events for professionals: besides the ceremony of handing over The Landscape Designer of the Year […]

Europa Nostra Awards 2015

The European Commission and Europa Nostra have revealed in Brussels / The Hague (14 April 2015) the winners of the 2015 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards, considered Europe’s most prestigious prize in the heritage field. The 28 award winners, selected from 263 applications submitted by organisations and individuals from 29 […]

National Awards and Prizes

March 15th, 2015 On March 15th, our national holiday, János Áder, the President of Hungary presented national awards and prizes based on the recommendations of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán Prime which were handed over by János Lázár, the minister in charge of all the ministries. Most of the creative individuals who received such recognitions on […]

Piranesi Award 2014

FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 15 January – 2 February 2015 From 15 January 2015 Pirnesi 2014 Exhibition is exhibited in FUGA gallery in Budapest. It was presented by Zsolt Gunther, Hungarian national Piranesi selector. In October 2014 FUGA has already hosted Piranesi 2013 exhibition. The organizer of the exhibition is Julia Őry from FUGA […]

MUT Diploma Award 2014

Diploma Award 2013 of the Hungarian Society for Urban Planning (MUT) went to: Urban Development and Research Category Honorable mention: Zsóka Ardai, Bálint Hilbert, Gergő Lajos Kassay, Eszter Németh, Katalin Zsófia Ribarits Infrastructure Planning Category Award: Dorina Nagy Social Science Category Award: Anna Zsófia Bajomi Honorable mention: János Gyurkovics Urban Planning Category Award: Renáta Korsós […]

Hungarian Real Estate Development Award 2014

Organized by the FIABCI Hungarian Section for the sixteenth time this year, the Hungarian Real Estate Development Award 2014 went to the following real estate developers: 1st Prize in the Culture category and Shared 1st Prize in the Heritage category: Liszt Ferenc Music Academy for the Music Academy, Liszt Ferenc Square, Budapest 2nd Prize in […]

Hungarian Projects for Mies van der Rohe Award 2015

The European Commission and the Fundació Mies van der Rohe announced the list of 420 projects competing for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award 2015. 27% of the proposals deal with Housing while 24% are Cultural facilities. 11% are connected to Education, 5% to Offices and the other […]

Iván Kotsis Prize 2014

In 2014 the Iván Kotsis Prize went to Béla Kerékgyártó . The prize-giving ceremony was held on 15th December 2014.

Architecture Media Awards 2014

Winners of the Architecture Media Awards 2014 Architecture Media Awards in Building category Archbishop Vineyards, Almagyar – architects: Péter Gereben, Balázs Marián Architecture Media Awards in Design category The reconstruction of Zárkándy Bastion – design: Anna Rátkai People’s Choice Award in Building Category Fencing Hall of Vasas Sports Club, Budapest – architect: Géza Kendik People’s […]

Prima Primissima Award 2014

Prima Primissima Award 2014 in Hungarian Architecture category went to: Sándor Pálfy architect and urbanist Prima Award 2014 went to: Tamás Czigány architect Gábor U. Nagy architect

Silver Carpenter Pencil Award 2014

The Silver Carpenter Pencil Award founded by the Honi Art Foundation goes for journalists who promote the Hungarian architecture scene, and also represent the quality journalism. The Silver Carpenter Pencil Award 2014 goes to: Ildikó Kökény-Kovács Krisztina Somogyi Erzsébet Csutiné Schleer