Art and Technology in Architecture – workshop

Art and Technology in Architecture – workshop organized by the Magyar Építéstechnika magazine and the online architectural magazine. Time: 2 July 2014, 13.00 – 18.30 Venue: Kinnarps Office Centre, 1133 Budapest, Váci út 92. Registration via e-mail: or

1st National Salon of Architecture – 100% Creativity

Műcsarnok, Budapest, 04 June 2014 – 07 September 2014 Műcsarnok gives home to the most important comprehensive exhibition of contemporary architecture ever. The extensive display presents more than 200 buildings and their designers, providing a cross section of exciting Hungarian architecture today and in the recent past with the help of models, giant prints, films, […]

Ybl Miklós Prize 2014

Ybl Bicentenary, National Opera House Since its foundation in 1953, the prize named after Miklós Ybl was now, in 2014 for the first time handed over in the Budapest Opera House, one of the most significant buildings of the architect to János Jánosi, András Kováts, Péter Pottyondy, Ferenc Potzner, Tihamér Szalay, György SzegÅ‘, Judit Anna […]

Hans Hollein

Sorry, this entry is only available in Hungarian.

11th International Architecture Congress Budapest

Bálna, 8th March 2014 The Hungarian Association of Architects, in partnership with the METSZET architectural review, announces its 11th international congress that will take place as part of the annual Budapest Spring Festival, which offers visitors an array of over 200 cultural events. The list of architectural personalities invited this year includes architects Mario Botta […]

Ybl Bicentenary in the Italian Institute

Former House of Representatives – The Feast of the Italian Institute 22 February 2014 10 am – Guided tour in the former building of the House of Representatives in Budapest Guide: Zsuzsa Ordasi art historian 11 am – Memorial plaque of the Ybl Bicentenary unveiling ceremony 19 óra – Ybl Bicentenary Ball

Ever-Green Club

Program of the ICOMOS MNB Historic Parks and Gardens Committee
FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 26 February 2014, 17.30
How was it? Recent garden and open space architecture in Budapest between 1950 and 1980
Lecturer: Dr. Eszter Bakay

6th Budapest Architecture Film Days

This March the Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Center (KÉK) is organizing the 6th Budapest Architecture Film Days. This edition opens a whole new chapter in the life of the festival: our four day event has received a lot stronger professional support than before and is being accompanied by a growing international attention. We have participated…

Adaptable City 2.: Nyugati Grund

The problems and opportunities of vacant properties
5-6 February 2014

Walk around Nyugati Grund
Discussions, lectures

Mild Home

MILD HOME aims at defining the design and triggering the construction of a new typology of civil building called MILD HOME, which combines high energy performances and affordable operative costs for low-middle income people (young couples/families). In this way the project boosts the sustainable development of such way of living…