Tenth Anniversary of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum of Etnography, Budapest, 17 April – 29 June 2014
Aktuális lapszám
Bolder than painting
Modern commercial posters in Hungary, 1924 – 1942 Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest, April 25 – July 27 The exhibition, organized in cooperation with the National Széchényi Library, presents an overview of modern Hungarian commercial posters created in the interwar period. The exhibition the best 102 large posters of the period, supplemented by a selection […]
„Connecting the skies with Earth…”
Imre Makovecz Oeuvre Exhibition, Vigadó, 03. 15. – 09. 21. 2014 Text: Katalin Dávid Photos: Erzsébet Maczkó March 15th saw the opening of Imre Makovecz’s oeuvre exhibition in the newly facelifted Vigadó building, which is now the new of the Hungarian Art Academy, with the ceremonious inauguration speech of Katalin Dávid art historian. „A short […]
Castle Garden Bazaar Revives
Prelude to the Year of Miklós Ybl Photo: Tibor Zsitva The 200th anniversary of Miklós Ybl’s birth and the commemoration year devoted to him is the apropos for us to remember the influences and afterlife of his achievements by publishing a series of excerpts with reference to Henszlmann, F. A. Stüler, Frigyes Feszl, Vilmos Zsolnay […]
Permeations in Space and Time
Eiffel Palace, Budapest Architects: András Gelesz, Ágnes G. Lenzsér, Eszter Holló, Gergely Schöff, Kornél Baliga Text: Edit Pálinkás Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky Eiffel Palace is an exceptional example of the investor’s attitude prioritizing the preservation of the city’s values besides the interests of clients. The reconstruction of the building has been realized as a project reflecting […]
Centre of Knowledge in the Forest
Science Palace, Debrecen Architects: Péter Kovács, István Lengyel Text: Zoltán Győrffy Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky In Debrecen architects Péter Kovács and István Lengyel were commissioned to design a building on the site of the botanical gardens associated with the university campus which facilitates an interactive way of promoting nature sciences whilst helping schoolchildren to orientate with […]
The Valley of the Sun
The Reconstruction of Kopácsy Mill in Veszprém Architects: Zsolt György Kovács, Beránková Jana, Dávid Kovács, Gábor Gaschler Text: János Géczi Photos: Dávid Kovács The fact that Veszprém featured Mediterranean characteristics which are well worth attention and tuning to has recently been discovered by architects. Winding in an S shape along Séd stream heading for the […]
Life Spiral
Health Centre, Budakalász Architects: Zoltán Horváth Text: Marianna Berényi Photos: György Dénes The Health Centre in Budakalász not only houses new surgeries but also features communal areas where people as well as material and transcendency meet in a spectacular way. When the local government of the town commissioned Zoltán Horváth to design a new surgery […]
War and Peace – Bunker 599
Dutch Design Award 2011 Architectural Review Emerging Architecture Award 2013 Design: Ronald Rietveld/RAAAF and Atelier de Lyon Text: György Szegő Photos: RAAAF The project of RAAAF and Atelier de Lyon turned a redundant Second World War bunker in the Netherlands into a sculptural visitor attraction by slicing it down the middle to reveal its insides. […]
Mongol National Archeological Museum
International Architectural Design Contest 1st Prize Concept: Barna Kovács D., Krisztina Barna Fellow designers: Zsuzsa Lukács, Bulgan Altangerel, Ochir Tuvshinbayar At the beginning of 2014 a team of young architects won the first prize of the design contest of the new archeological museum of Mongolia. Meant to be a multi-functional complex, it is also to […]
Burning walls made of Stone and Terrazzo
Sports Hall, Krk Archtiect: Idis Turato Text: Boris Dundovic Photos: Domagoj Blažević, Sandro Lendler, Ivan Dorotić, Jure Živković Even for the most accomplished Croatian architects, designing a new building in old Adriatic town cores has always brought up mixed feelings – it is both an exclusive privilege and, undeniably, a heavy burden. It takes a […]
Drawing on the Wall
Museum of Architectural Graphics, Berlin Architects: Ulrike Graefenhain, Szergej Tschoban, Szergej Kuznetsov Text: Eszter Götz Photos: Roland Halbe, S. Tschoban Foundation The museum of architectural graphics is intended for placing and exposition of collections of Sergey Tchoban Fund. The foundation was established in 2009 by architect Sergei Tchoban of Moscow-based SPEECH. Most of the practice’s […]