Architectural Dialogue

Mansion on Svábhegy Architects: László Földes, Dániel Laczó Text: Anna Zöldi Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky Designed by László Földes and Dániel Laczó, this mansion is located along a relatively busy road, Originally built for several cohabiting generations, it is only the ground floor which is being used now, and the future of the other storeys is […]

Sweet Home

Detached House, Budapest Architect: Eszter Dénes Text: Sándor Csontó Photos: Zsófia Kedves Located on Aranyhegy in District 3 of Budapest, this detached family house has a neighbourhood where formerly there had been resort sites used for gardening and growing fruits. These lots have been developed into residential zones since the 90s rapidly. Nearby there are […]

Ideas Springing from Gaps of Thoughts

Detached House, Feleac (RO) Architect: Gábor Tóthfalusi Text: Gábor Erhardt Photos: István Bíró Located near Cluj-Napoca, Feleac is a settlement highly popular among young families moving away from towns and cities. For the site on the northern slope of the village with a full panoramic view of Cluj-Napoca, architect Gábor Tóthfalusi designed a high-standard classic […]

New in Body Only

Reconstruction of Károly Kós Well-House and Resort, Kászonjakabfalva (RO) Architect: Győző Esztány Text: Anthony Gall Photos: Győző Esztány, István Szigeti Vajk Designed by Károly Kós, the Pán well-house is located in Seklerland Kászoni Valley and was built for the former senior GP of Sepsiszentgyörgy, Dr. Kristóf Fogolyán almost 100 years ago. The site has been […]

Pyramids Upside Down

Matamoro Market, Mexico Architects: Colectivo 733 Text: György Szegő Photos: Rafael Gamo Mexico-based Colectivo C733 has completed a public market that features prefabricated triangular-trapezoidal umbrellas on the roof to gain daylight and facilitate warm air escape through these giant roof modules in Mexico City. The 2,868-square metre market is located at a residual plot of […]

Hungarian Concepts for the Shenzhen Opera Competition

Concepts: ZDA, Robert Gutowski Architects In 2020, two projects from two Hungarian architectural firms were included in the second round of the international design competition for the design of the Shenzhen Opera House, among the top 20 designs. Below we present the plans of ZDA as well as Robert Gutowski Architects.  

5 minutes each day

FUGA Microcosmos Text: Mária Tatai FUGA (Budapest Architecture Centre) is a spiritual-intellectual centre functioning since 2009 as a culture island open to a variety of genres. Since the outbreak of the pandemic this venue could only function in a limited way, but still managed to create a virtual programme updated on a daily basis: 5-10 […]

East, West

Spaces of Intensity. 3h architects, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel Text: Eszter Götz At the end of 2020, a volume on the work of the 3h architectural firm was published by the Swiss publisher Birkhauser. The previous sentence seems self-evident, although it is quite an exceptional thing, as the works of contemporary Hungarian architects have not aroused […]

Research into the Correlations of the Cosmos and Humans in Provincial Hungary

Case Study of Nyim, a Tiny Village Text and photos: László Francsics The objective of this study is an in-depth understanding of the correlations of humans and their environment, to survey their construction and decomposition in the context of the countryside in Hungary via a case study of Nyim, a tiny village. This analysis highlights […]

A Temporary Altar for the Eternal

Conversation with architect Tibor Vákár about the 1938 tender for a eucharistic altar Text: György Szücs The 34th Eucharistic Congress took place in Budapest on May 25th-28th, 1938 as the Eucharist Festival of international Catholicism. At the end of 1936 the approval of Pope Pius XI was published in which the Pope designated the Hungarian […]

„Life here gives you joy…”

Reconstruction of Sonnenberg House on Civilian Initiative Text: Eszter Baldavári As of today, it is a curiosity to see a residential community which votes for a high-standard reconstruction of a historic building, as it is a lot more costly, and requires more complex preparations and execution as well. What is actually a reliable sign of […]

Designed for Change

Family House, Brennbergbánya Text: Partizan Architecture (Gergely Hory, Zoltán Major, Péter Müllner) Photos: Balázs Danyi At the beginning of 2020, a family of six members have taken possession of their home designed by PRTZN architects in Brennbergbánya. The house was a result of a long-term process of thinking, as the clients, a couple contacted the […]