Memorial to the Mutual Belongingness of the Historic Regions of Hungary, Budapest Architects: Balázs Zimay, Dániel Déry, Artúr Palotás Landscape: Sándor Mohácsy Text: Ádám Farkas Photos: Tamás Wachsler August 20th, 2020 will be the inauguration day of a new memorial in Alkotmány Street opening to Kossuth Square in Budapest. Maybe in time there won’t be […]
Successful revitalization
Conversion of a Hospital Site, Kaposvár Architects: Ferenc Lőrincz Jr., Ádám Ligeti, Rita Balogh, László Pap Text: Krisztina L. Balogh Photos: Balázs Lőrincz, Alán Szekeres, Róbert Benke, Rómeo Pintér Dr. The 2,7 hectare area starting to deteriorate into slums in the heart of Kaposvár was purchased by the local authority from the state with the […]
In the Sky, On the Ground
New Playgrounds in Budapest and by Lake Balaton Designers: Gergely Hajdu-Nagy Gergely Dr., György Szloszjár, Viktor László Text: Eszter Götz An artificial universe, this man-made environment is a limited space used exclusively for recreation,where children can experience the freedom of motion and play. This is, by and large, also our definition of a playground today. […]
Mansion in Nyék
Vörösmarty Mihály Memorial Museum and Csajághy Laura Stage, Kápolnásnyék Architect: Lajos Ónodi Szabó Text: Sándor Csontó Photos: Lajos Ónodi Szabó, Norbert Juhász After 70 years, the simple mansion in Kápolnásnyék has evolved into a genuine memorial museum in which Mihály Vörösmarty, a key character in the history of Hungarian Romantic poetry in the Reform […]
Riding Hall and Communal Building, Felsőör
Architect: Ákos Eszenyi Text: János Géczi Photos: Csaba Molnár – Molnár Studio On the periphery of Felsőörs, the northernmost village of the Hungarian Riviera, that is Lake Balaton, there is a single stable towering above its surroundings on a larger estate with stands necessary for animal-keeping. Nestling into the landscape with its every cell, this […]
Touring At a Height
Foliage Educational Trail, Süttő-Tardos Architect: Péter Szabó Text: Mária Tatai Photos: Balázs Danyi The „air” trail of the Gerecse Hills nestles into its environment, almost disappearing in the forest, and its regular circle-shape is only outlined on closer inspect. Around and among the trees, in the domain of nature a perfect geometrical component appears by […]
Visible Structure
Look-Out on Zengő Architecture and text: Dániel Rabb Photos: Lajos Kalmár In the southern part of the Transdanubian region, in Baranya county, the highest peak of the Mecsek Hill named Zengő treasures almost unparalleled natural gems. The first look-out on this site was built by the Mecsek Association in 1895. This project was managed by […]
Landscape and Time
Extension of a Barn Restaurant, Őriszentpéter Architect: Gábor U. Nagy Text: Nóra Ostoróczky Photos: György Palkó After its first conversion, the Dance Barn in Őriszentpéter was used as a rehearsal room of a dance community. Initially functioning as a kitchenette, it was transformed into a culinary pilgrims’s site throughout the years. As a result, it […]
Grapes, Wine, Gemstone
Lahofer Winery, Dobšice, Czech Republic Architects: Ondřej Chybik, Michal Kristof Text: György Szegő Photos: Alex Shoots Buildings Located in the Moravian region of the Czech Republic, the site of the new winery inaugurated recently is a brewery of a 19th-century beer manufactury and the neighbouring technical facility, which was added to the old plant premises […]
Music School By The Lake
György Ránki Music School, Balatonföldvár Concept: Henrietta Bodolai, PTE Technical and Digital Department Tutor: Tamás Kondor Dr. Consultant: Bálint Baranyai Dr. At the very beginning of the design stage, the elementary school and the music school had been two independent and separate units. Later on, due to their joint auxiliary and complementary functions they were […]
The Story of Tátika
Case Study of an Iconic Modern Building Text: Norbert Jankovics, Zsuzsanna Máté By the early-21st century, the technologies applied on buildings older than a few decades, but younger than a century, and typically labelled as „modernist”, had become outdated, whilst their aesthetic values also faded rapidly and significantly. Whenever their comprehensive reconstruction was started, they […]
Far Away from the Designers’ Office
Architects on Holiday Text: Fanni Izabella Magyaróvári Photos: MÉM MDK Hungarian Museum of Architecture Journeys are important milestones of almost every architect’s oeuvre as they may draw life-long experience from what they see abroad, including the landscape and buildings. A tour of Italy had been a compulsory experience of studies for artists and architects for […]