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Fundamentals – The Foundations of what?

14th International Architecture Biennale, Venice Text: György Szegő Photos: Velencei Biennále, Andrea Fábián, György Szegő Curator Rem Koolhaas associated architecture with the century of modernity lasting from 1914 to 2014 overburdened with devastating invasions and terrible sufferings. According to him, the „losers” of this era – that is civilisation as such – managed to survive […]

14th International Architecture Exhibition Venice

Death in Venice Szöveg: Hatvani Fotók: Hatvani, László György Sáros, International Architecture Exhibition Venice According to previous information, this biennale was meant to be different from all the former ones. The Koolhaas method, „more and more, more is more…”, condensification has proven to be efficient here as well. Themes crowded beneath the head word Fundamentals […]

I. National Architecture Salon

Műcsarnok, Budapest, 3 June – 7 September 2014 Text: Kas Oosterhuis Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky Knowing Hungary from the inside out as from 1978 thanks to my partner in life and business Ilona Lénárd who was born and raised in Budapest, I was pleasantly surprised by the sheer professionalism of the presented built project and of […]

Ybl Miklós Prize 2014

Ybl Bicentenary, National Opera House Since its foundation in 1953, the prize named after Miklós Ybl was now, in 2014 for the first time handed over in the Budapest Opera House, one of the most significant buildings of the architect to János Jánosi, András Kováts, Péter Pottyondy, Ferenc Potzner, Tihamér Szalay, György Szegő, Judit Anna […]

„Connecting the skies with Earth…”

Imre Makovecz Oeuvre Exhibition, Vigadó, 03. 15. – 09. 21. 2014 Text: Katalin Dávid Photos: Erzsébet Maczkó March 15th saw the opening of Imre Makovecz’s oeuvre exhibition in the newly facelifted Vigadó building, which is now the new of the Hungarian Art Academy, with the ceremonious inauguration speech of Katalin Dávid art historian. „A short […]

Castle Garden Bazaar Revives

Prelude to the Year of Miklós Ybl Photo: Tibor Zsitva The 200th anniversary of Miklós Ybl’s birth and the commemoration year devoted to him is the apropos for us to remember the influences and afterlife of his achievements by publishing a series of excerpts with reference to Henszlmann, F. A. Stüler, Frigyes Feszl, Vilmos Zsolnay […]


The Hungarian Pavilion of the 14th Venetian Architectural Biennale Concept: Jakab Csaba, Márton László Attila The winning design of the Hungarian pavilion in the 2014 Venetian Architectural Biennale was submitted by Csaba Jakab and László Márton presenting architects’ teams built upwards by considering construction as both a personal and social cause from the very beginnings […]

Millenary Velodrom Design Contest 2014

Built in 1896, the Millenary Velodrom is a cradle of Hungarian sports or more precisely competitive sport. In 1928 it hosted the bicycle world championship. The pavement of the track was modernized in the 1950s and 1970s and the stand which is a protected historic monument with a seating capacity of 3,000 viewers was renovated […]

Iván Kotsis Prize 2013

Iván Kotsis Prize 2013

In 2013 the Iván Kotsis Prize went to Attila Bodrossy DLA architect

The prize-giving ceremony was held on 16th December 2013.